时间:2021-04-13 来源: 作者: 访问量:
2、1997/3–2001/9, 哈尔滨工业大学, 物理电子学, 博士。
3、1991/9–1994/3, 哈尔滨工业大学, 物理电子学, 硕士。
4、1987/9–1991/7, 哈尔滨工业大学, 光电子技术, 学士。
1、2018/12——至今 ,电子信息工程学院,教授、博士生导师
4、2015/9-2015/10,美国普渡大学大学,生物工程学院,高级访问学者,合作导师:Jixin Cheng,研究方向:非线性光学显微成像
5、2004/11-2005/2,美国堪萨斯州立大学,物理系,访问学者,合作导师:Zenghu Chang,研究方向:阿秒脉冲产生及测量
6、2001/9-2007/12,哈尔滨工业大学,可调谐激光技术国家级重点实验室,副教 授
1. GZ Hou, ZW dong, S Zhang ZB Zhang and YQ Xia. Intensity distortion in dual-axis galvo mirror scanning TPF imaging. OPTIK 2020, 206:164311
2. GZ Hou, ZW dong, S Zhang ZB Zhang and YQ Xia. TPF imaging of Rhodamine B at different detection windows.Modern Physics Letter. 2019, 33(0):1950268
3. YF Qin Bo Li FEI XIA YUANQIN XIA .Multi-color background-free coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using a time-lens source. Optics Express,2018, 26(26): 34474
4. Chang Xu, Chuan Guo, Hai-Bo Yu, Zhi-Min Wang, Jun-Wei Zuo, Yuan-Qin Xia, Qi Bian, Yong Bo, Hong-Wei Gao, Ya-Ding Guo, Sheng Zhang, Da-Fu Cui, Qin-Jun Peng, Zu-Yan Xu. High pulse energy, high beam quality microsecond-pulse Ti:sapphire laser at 819.7 nm. Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics. 2017, 123(3): 1-6 (IF=1.696)
5. Chang Xu, Shi-Bo Dai, Chuan Guo, Qi Bian, Jun-Wei Zuo, Yuan-Qin Xia, Hong-Wei Gao, Zhi-Min Wang, Yong Bo, Nan Zong, Sheng Zhang, Qin-Jun Peng, and Zu-Yan Xu. A High-Pulse-Energy High-Beam-Quality Tunable Ti:Sapphire Laser Using a Prism-Dispersion Cavity. Chinese Physics Letters. 2017, 34(3): 034206 (IF=0.8)
6. Chang Xu, Jun-Wei Zuo, Qi Bian, Chuan Guo, Yong Bo, Lu Feng, Kai Jin, Kai Wei, Hong-Wei Gao, Sheng Zhang, Yuan-Qin Xia, Qin-Jun Peng, and Zu-Yan Xu. Frequency stabilization of a microsecond pulse sodium guide star laser with a tilt- and temperature-tuned etalon. Chinese Physics Letters. 2017, 34(7): 074203 (IF=0.8)
7. Bin Liu,Ping Wang,Jeong Im Kim,Delong Zhang,Yuanqin Xia,Clint Chapple ,Ji-Xin Cheng ,Vibrational Fingerprint Mapping Reveals Spatia lDistribution of Functional Groups of Lignin in Plant Cell Wall.,Anal. Chem,2015,87:94369442 (IF=6.32)
8. Liu, Bin,Lee, Hyeon Jeong,Zhang, Delong,Liao, Chien-Sheng,Ji, Na,Xia, Yuanqin, Cheng, Ji-Xin,Label-free spectroscopic detection of membrane potential using stimulated Raman scattering,Applied Physics Letters,2015,106(17)(IF=3.411)
9. Zhao, Yang,Zhang, Sheng,Zhang, Zhibin,Dong, Zhiwei,Chen, Deying,Zhang, Zhonghua,Xia, Yuanqin ,Molecular vibrational dynamics in ethanol studied by femtosecond CARS,Optics Communications,2015,334:319-322 (IF=1.588)
10. Zhao, Yang,Zhang, Sheng,Zhou, Boyang,Dong, Zhiwei,Chen, Deying,Zhang, Zhonghua,Xia, Yuanqin ,Spectrally dispersed femtosecond CARS investigation of vibrational characteristics in ethanol,Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,2014,45(9):826-829 (IF=2.969)
11. Zhao, Yang,Zhang, Sheng,Zhou, Boyang,Dong, Zhiwei,Chen, Deying,Zhang, Zhonghua,Xia, Yuanqin ,Molecular vibrational dynamics in water studied by femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy,Chemical Physics Letters,2014,613:1-4 (IF=1.815)
12. Zhao, Yang,Zhang, Sheng,Zhang, Zhibin,Dong, Zhiwei,Chen, Deying,Zhang, Zhonghua,Xia, Yuanqin ,Influence of geometrical configuration on molecular vibrational dynamics in BBO crystals studied by femtosecond CARS,Optics and Laser Technology,2014,64:120-123 (IF=2.109)
13. Zhao, Yang,Zhang, Sheng,Zhou, Boyang,Dong, Zhiwei,Chen, Deying,Zhang, Zhonghua,Xia, Yuanqin ,Molecular vibrational dynamics of rhodamine B dye in solution studied by femtosecond CARS,Vibrational Spectroscopy,2014,73:24-27 (IF=1.740)
14. Zhao, Yang,Zhang, Sheng,Zhou, Boyang,Fan, Rongwei,Chen, Deying,Zhang, Zhonghua,Xia, Yuanqin ,Molecular vibrational dynamics in PMMA studied by femtosecond CARS,Modern Physics Letters B,2014,28(28) (IF=0.167)
15. Lu, Faming,Xia, Yuanqin ,Zhang, Sheng,Chen, Deying,PHASE-MATCHED HIGH-ORDER HARMONICS FROM N-2 USING kHz FEMTOSECOND LASER PULSES,Journal of Russian Laser Research,2014,35(4):323-325 (IF=0.648)
16. Lu, Faming , Zhang, Sheng,Chen, Deying,Xia, Yuanqin, High-order harmonic generation from Xe-Ar gas mixture in the tight focusing laser,Optics and Laser Technology,2014,57:145-148 (IF=2.109)
17. Lu, Faming,Xia, Yuanqin ,Zhang, Sheng,Chen, Deying,Zhao, Yang,Liu, Bin,Coherent soft X-ray high-order harmonics using tight-focusing laser pulses in the gas mixture,Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology,2014,22(1):105-111 (IF=2.109)
18. Lu F.,Xia Y. ,Zhang S.,Chen D.,Phase-Matched High-Order Harmonics from N2 Using kHz Femtosecond Laser Pulses,Journal of Russian Laser Research,2014,35(4):323-325 (IF=0.648)
19. Zhonghua Zhang, Jia Chen, Yang Zhao, Yuanqin Xia. A Research on the Relation Between the Integrated Three-Pulse Photon Echo Signal and the Correlation Function, Russian Physics Journal, 2014, 56(11): 1302-1309 (IF=0.644)
20. Zhonghua Zhang, Jia Chen, Yuanqin Xia, Yang Zhao. Electronic State Vibration Modes with Photon echo in Nile Blue, Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2014, 41(3): 0315002
21. Lu, Faming ,Zhang, Sheng,Chen, Deying,Xia, Yuanqin, Generation of tunable coherent XUV harmonic emission from Xe at low pressure,Laser Physics,2013,23(2): 025302 (IF=1.328)
22. Lu Fa-Ming,Xia Yuan-Qin ,Zhang Sheng,Chen De-Ying,Investigation of tunable coherent XUV light source by high harmonics generation using intense femtosecond laser pulses in Ne,Acta Physica Sinica,2013,62(2)024212 (IF=0.624)
23. Lu, F. M. ,Zhang, S.,Chen, D. Y.,Xia, Y. Q, High harmonic generation in a Xe-He gas mixture driven by kHz tightly focused laser pulses,Laser Physics,2013,23(11)115302 (IF=1.328)
24. Fan, Rongwei,He, Ping,Chen, Deying ,Yu, Xin,Xia, Yuanqin . Effects of the air pressure on the wave-packet dynamics of gaseous iodine molecules at room temperature,Optics and Laser Technology,2013,45:540-544 (IF=2.109)
25. Xia, Yuanqin ,Zhao, Yang,Wang, Zi,Zhang, Sheng,Dong, Zhiwei,Chen, Deying,Zhang, Zhonghua,Investigation of vibrational characteristics in BBO crystals by femtosecond CARS,Optics and Laser Technology,2012,44(7):2049-2052 (IF=2.109)
26. Yuanqin Xia ,zhao Yang,Tiantian Zhang,Ping He,Zhonghua Zhang,Measurements of flame temperature by femtosecond CARS,CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS,2012,10(Suppl.):S13002-2 (IF=1.859)
27. 卢发铭,夏元钦,张盛,陈德应,飞秒强激光脉冲驱动Ne高次谐波蓝移产生 相干可调谐极紫外光实验研究,物理学报,2012,(02):313-317 (IF=1.016)
28. Chen D Y, He P, Fan R W, Xia Y Q, Yu X, Wang J L, and Jiang Y G. Femtosecond Time-Resolved ERE-CARS of CV670 Dye in Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 5881−5886 (IF=4.536)
29. He, Ping ,Fan, Rongwei,Chen, Deying,Li, Xiaohui,Xia, Yuanqin ,Wang, Jialing,Jiang, Yugang,Femtosecond time-resolved ERE-CARS of PM650,Optics Communications,2012,285(15):3284-3288 (IF=1.588)
30. He Ping ,Wang HuiLi,Fan RongWei,Chen DeYing,Xia YuanQin,Wang JiaLing,Jiang YuGang,Terahertz beats of vibrational modes in methanol and ethanol selectively excited by tr-CARS technique,Science China, Physics, Mechanics & Astonomy,2012,55(12):2351-2356 (IF=0.779)
31. He P , Li S, Fan R W, Li X H, Xia Y Q, Yu X, and Chen D Y. Selective excitation of molecular mode in a mixture by femtosecond resonance-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(2): 027801 (IF=1.223)
32. Lu Z Z, Chen D Y, Fan R W, and Xia Y Q. Laser-induced quadrupole -quadrupole collisional energy transfer in Xe-Kr systems. Physical Review A, 2012, 85(6):063402. (IF=2.925)
33. Lu Z Z, Chen D Y, Fan R W, and Xia Y Q. Femtosecond laser field induced modifications of electron-transfer processes in Ne+-He collisions. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 100(1):014105 (IF=3.411)
1、国家自然科学基金面上项目,61975050,利用多维飞秒时间分辨光谱技术研究分子激发态相干振动及其演化超快动力学,2020/01-2023/12, 直接经费60万。
2、国家自然科学基金,61675057,基于飞秒激光脉冲整形的高光谱相干拉曼显微成像研究,2017/01-2020/12,直接费用:60 万元。
4、 国家自然科学基金,61275157,利用飞秒时间分辨CARS 光谱研究分子内超快动力学与火焰测温,2013/01-2016/12,78万元。
5、国家自然科学基金,11174068, 飞秒激光二維电子光谱研究, 2012/01- 2015/12,60万元。
6、 国家自然科学基金,10774033,等离子体波导中光场感应电离软X射线激 光研究,2008/01-2011/12,30万元。
8、 教育部211工程高等学校仪器设备和优质资源共享系统,CERS-1-43,飞秒激光器系 统平台开放服务示范机组建设,2013/01-2017/12,纵向课题40万元。
10、 985工程学科(学术)后备带头人培育项目,2010/04 -2015/04,100万元。