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经管学术论坛(管科022)李泉林教授——Markov Processes in Blockchain Systems

报告题目:Markov Processes in
Blockchain Systems



报 告 人:李泉林 教授

报告简介:This talk focuses
on our recent research on Markov Processes in Blockchain Systems. The
blockchain systems are established as multi-dimensional Markov processes by
means of the longest chain rule of chain-fork structure. We address several
interesting issues or topics related to the multi-dimensional Markov processes.
This further sets up mathematical models and develops economic theory of
blockchain. Here, we shall care for:

(1) How to study the
multi-dimensional Markov processes, for example, stable conditions, steady-state
probability, first passage time, sojourn time and so forth. Perhaps the Markov
processes bring you to enter a queer theoretical space from such an interesting
practical technology.

(2) Block reward,
transaction fee and their allocation methods greatly motivate many miners in a
blockchain to take shape some selfish mining alliances evolutionarily, while
the selfish mining alliances will lead to various attacks on security of
blockchain. As a first exploration, we provide a unified and comprehensive framework
for expressing the attacks grown out of the selfish mining alliances, a
physical structure of which is given a detailed observation and interpretation
in terms of the Markov processes. This may be viewed as a key improvement in
the study of blockchain mining management. On the other hand, our method can also
be developed to analyze blochchain systems through some simple and intuitive
applications of Markov decision processes and stochastic game modeling.

(3) We show that the
multi-dimensional Markov processes will play an important role in the study of
blockchain systems and in the design of consensus mechanism of related distributed
systems. Also, they can motivate a series of promising future research on
development of blockchain technologies.



他的研究领域包括随机模型、随机过程、博弈论、排队论、计算机网络、网络安全、网络资源管理、网络信息理论、超市模型、负载调配模型、RFID技术、物联网、大数据、云计算、区块链、数据中心、医疗服务系统、共享经济、制造系统、供应链管理等方面。他主持并负责了20余项国家973计划、国家863计划、国家自然科学基金、国家自然科学重点基金。已经在重要的国际学术刊物上发表了60余篇SCI学术论文;在Springer出版专著《Constructive Computation in Stochastic Models with Applications:
》;在Springer旗下SCI国际杂志主编《Editorial for the special issue: Retrial Queues (WRQ’2010), Guest
Operational Research2012》、在Springer主编EI论文集《Queueing
Theory and Network Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume
2017》、《Stochastic Models
in Reliability, Network Security and System Safety: Essays Dedicated to Jinhua
Cao on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday. Communications in Computer and
Information Science, Volume 1102, 2019
